Behold Collection 2 is released!
Citipointe Worship have just released the latest collection of brand new music available for you to watch, listen and share with your family and friends!
Behold – Collection 2 is the second release that captures the heart of worship at Citipointe Church and is already having an impact far beyond our borders. We believe we captured something truly pure and holy in this recording – where His Presence met us in such a powerful and tangible way. We pray it draws you closer to the heart of Christ.
Collection 2 Tracks:
01. The Good Thief (Hallelujah) (Live) feat. Chardon Lewis
02. Giants (Live) feat. Beau Lamshed
03. Wells (Live) feat. Candace Nainby
04. Into The Deep (Live) feat. Chardon Lewis
05. Into The Deep (Spontaneous) (Live) feat. Chardon Lewis
06. Roof To Floor (Live) feat. Jess Steer
07. My Hope Remains (Studio) feat. Aaron Lucas & Craig Wayne Boyd